Ed Lee Dems board is proud to support Carmen Chu for San Francisco City Administrator. While she has the support of Mayor London Breed 倫敦.布里德, the final decision will come from the SF Board of Supervisors. Read our letter of support and tell your Supervisor to support Carmen Chu for San Francisco City Administrator.
January 16, 2021
Dear Board President Walton and members of the Board of Supervisors,
In honor of our late Mayor Ed Lee, who initially appointed Carmen Chu to Assessor-Recorder, the Edwin M. Lee Asian Pacific Democratic Club (ELDC) stands in strong support of Mayor London Breed’s nomination of Assessor-Recorder Carmen Chu as the City Administrator.
Since serving as the Deputy Director of Public Policy and Finance for Gavin Newsom’s Mayoral Administration, she has demonstrated selfless and committed dedication and service to public service. In her role as District 4 Supervisor, she carried legislation to protect tenants who had been victims of domestic violence, provided opportunities for local businesses, and helped build the largest renewable energy installation atop the Sunset Reservoir.
In her role as Assessor-Recorder, she reversed a decades-long backlog, earning her the prestigious 2020 Good Government Award, and launched the Bay Area’s first Family Wealth Forum, which provides financial and real estate planning services to low-income and monolingual immigrant individuals and families.
As a woman of color, Carmen Chu believes in providing equitable opportunities for all, launching the W Challenge to expand female representation at all levels of government.
Carmen Chu has been a tireless advocate for all communities in San Francisco, particularly the Asian Pacific Islander community. She firmly believes those that are low-income and disadvantaged, many from immigrant backgrounds and not proficient in English need a voice at City Hall. She has been working hard to make sure all City services are accessible to everyone.
In light of her esteemed accomplishments and countless achievements, we believe that Carmen Chu has the experience, leadership, and integrity to lead San Francisco into a brighter future as our next City Administrator.
The Edwin M. Lee Asian Pacific Democratic Club Board